Below you can find videos from my recent talks and lectures. Click on each thumbnail to watch the entire video.
“I hold the key”: J,R,R, Tolkien through interviews and reminiscences
Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales at 40 (Oxonmoot 2021)
Tolkien, Folklore, and Foxes: a thoroughly vulpine talk in which there may be singing! (Tolkien 2019)
Mythopoeia: myth-creation and Middle-earth (Bodleian Library Exhibition: Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth, 2018)
Sailing to the West: the Fall of Arthur, Beowulf and Tol Eressëa (Oxonmoot, 2017)
J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘A Secret Vice’: 85 Years On (Pembroke College, Oxford, 2016)
Tolkien and the Art of Book Reviewing: A Circuitous Road to Middle-earth (Oxonmoot, 2016)
Joyful sorrow in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien Society Seminar, 2016)
The Lord of the Rings: Tolkien’s Legacy (TORCH and the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford 2015)
Constructions of Childhood in Tolkien’s Legendarium (Oxonmoot 2015)
Τα ξωτικά του Τόλκιν: λαογραφία και μυθοπλασία (Athens Tolkien Symposium)
Tolkien’s Wales – A Literary Walk in the Black Mountains (Literature Wales)
On Tolkien’s “Sellic Spell” and Folktales
A Merry Tolkien Christmas: A Visit from St Nicholas and Tolkien’s Tinfang Warble
Fantasies of Space and Time (Keynote for PHI Congress, 2019)
Gnomes, Gnature, and the “Gnifty Gnomobile”: Elemental Spirits, Deforestation and Energy Systems in Transition in Upton Sinclair’s The Gnomobile
Fantasy, Magical Education, Knowledge, and Power (Lecture for Strixhaven)
The Otherworld Sea Voyage of St Brendan in Modern Fantasy Literature
“I hold the key”: J.R.R. Tolkien through interviews and reminiscences (Inaugural Annual Tolkien Lecture, University of Birmingham)
Magic writing: Representations of the Og(h)am script in contemporary fantasy (Celtic Research Seminar)
Twenty First Century Tolkien (British Library Exhibition: Fantasy – Realms of Imagination, 2023)
You can access a YouTube playlist of my talks and lectures here: