The fifth volume of the journal Tolkien Studies has just been published. As always it contains a great selection of scholarly articles, shorter notes and book reviews on many different aspects of Tolkien’s creativity. The leading article is a masteful contribution by Brian Rosebury on “Revenge and Moral Judgement in Tolkien”. The journal also includes two pieces by J.R.R Tolkien: “Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve’s Tale”, a paper read at a meeting of the Philological Society in Oxford in 1931; and “The Reeve’s Tale”, a version of Chaucer’s tale prepared for a recitation at the yearly “Summer Diversions” in Oxford (1939).
In the same volume I have reviewed Ross Smith’s book Inside Language: Linguistic and Aesthetic Theory in Tolkien (see under Publications). For a full table of contents of Tolkien Studies Vol. 5, click here. Buy Tolkien Studies 5 from Amazon.