The thumbnails below link to articles and essays which are free to access and read.
On J.R.R. Tolkien
‘Mad Elves’ and ‘Elusive Beauty’: Some Celtic Strands of Tolkien’s Mythology
Tolkien’s ‘“Celtic” type of legends’: Merging Traditions
Victorian Fairies and the Early Work of J.R.R. Tolkien
Revisiting Race in Tolkien’s Legendarium: Constructing Cultures and Ideologies in an Imaginary World
How to invent a Tolkien-style language (The Conversation)
Language as Communication vs. Language as Art: J.R.R. Tolkien and early 20th-century radical linguistic experimentation
Tolkien’s Father Christmas Letters (The Conversation)
Riddles, Heroes, and Folktales Come True: Folklore in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (Folklore Thursday)
Hobbit Songs and Rhymes: The Folklore of Middle-earth
Tolkien and Old Norse Antiquity
Filming Folklore: Adapting Fantasy for the Big Screen through Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings
Review of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Story of Kullervo
Review of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fall of Arthur
Was Tolkien really racist? (The Conversation)
Tolkien and Folklore: Sellic Spell and The Lay of Beowulf
A review of Dome Karukoski’s Tolkien biopic (The TLS)
Lord of the Rings: debunking the backlash against non-white actors in Amazon’s new adaption (co-authored with Mariana Rios Maldonado)
Tolkien’s Glittering Caves of Aglarond and Cheddar Gorge and Caves in Somerset
The Past as an Imaginary World: The Case of Medievalism (Chatterton, Tolkien, Eco)
The Raw and the Cooked: William Morris’s Dwarf in The Wood Beyond the World, and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Gollum
Tolkien’s Hobbits, a Black Rider, and a Tree Root: chasing a visual chain
Tolkien’s Arda: An Introduction
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, J. R. R. Tolkien’s 1953 W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture: An Updated Chronology and Related Findings
Tolkien and the W.P. Ker Lecture at Glasgow
On other Fantasy works, authors and themes
Ursula K Le Guin’s strong female voice challenged the norms of a male-dominated genre (The Conversation)
The Owl Service at 50 (TLS Online)
Why build new worlds (TLS Online)
Inventing a Whole Language (TLS Online)
After 150 years, we still haven’t solved the puzzle of Alice in Wonderland (The Conversation)
Samhain or Halloween? The “ancient Celtic year” in Contemporary Children’s Fantasy
Welsh Legend in Susan Cooper’s The Grey King and Jenny Nimmo’s The Snow Spider
Enid Blyton’s The Faraway Tree to hit the screen in latest bid to aim fantasy at grown-ups (The Conversation)
A time-traveling cat fantasy: Lloyd Alexander’s Time Cat
Plastic toys and WWI trauma: Tommy in Lynne Reid Banks’ The Indian in the Cupboard
Gnomes, Gnature, and the “Gnifty Gnomobile”: Elemental Spirits, Deforestation and Energy Systems in Transition in Upton Sinclair’s The Gnomobile